
House Hunting

Home Sweet Home? Photo from
I have been busy looking for a new place to live so we may be able to move out of this little over-priced noisy uncomfortable rented apartment soon. I am sure the right place is out there and I want to find it fast, but it may need the miracle of being in the right place at the right time. 

Mountain Shack - Photo from
The nice ones are gone before you know they were available and the others are even smaller than this little apartment. Some hang around a while. Those are the ones that need some kind of overhaul, way more work and investment than a good deep clean and paint or carpet; very expensive things like structural reform, roofs, windows, new driveways and landscape updates. Others are protected by the previous owner's taste in paint color. Why are the extremely dark maroon reds, purples or turquoise accent walls so prevalent? These colors are so dark or vicious that it will have to be some kind of special undercoat and paint to cover it up and I am not up to hanging drywall.  

Then there are the ones that look amazing, have a great price, all the appliances, reasonable paint colors but are 3 or 4 hours out of the area. There are even larger than expected perfect places that are in other states. How do those get on the list when you draw the map to include the area you where you want to live? 

Anyway, while I am busy not sewing and looking for a new place to house the sewing hobby you can follow me on Pinterest. Some boards relate to sewing but there are others there for knitting, quilting, yards and gardens, recipes, houses, storage ideas, landscapes and more.  

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