
Vacation fun

I am back. I have not had the energy to start on projects I have planned. I think it takes a little while to re-acclimate to the higher altitude after being in the Midwest. I am not sure if it is because I stayed in the lower elevations longer or if it is more related to age. I am going to blame it on the thinner atmosphere though because even though the mirror tells a different story I am not getting older. I am always amazed at how much easier it is to move about in the lower thicker atmosphere, even if it is humid.

I got to visit relatives, attend a very small class reunion, catch up with friends from long ago who are also not getting older, visit landmarks and museums I have not seen in a while and float the river. I don't know how to swim and really don't like water sports but look how peaceful this river is. In some places it may be as deep as your waist and in others it is pretty shallow. When we went there were places the canoe just barely cleared the shallow areas. Once we were underway, my brother said, "We will probably have to stop a couple of times before the end, my canoe has a leak."  

I probably would have been in a full panic but he had his three young children with us and I figured if it was a dangerous leak he would not have let them go. We ended up stopping about five times to dump out the water the canoe took on. And my brother admitted that it was leaking much worse than he thought. In all but the deepest part at the very end though, even if the boat had sunk the kiddos would have only been in about waist high. 

The day I left the river was muddy from rain upstream and since then the river has gone to flood stage because of eleven inches of rain in the area yesterday and two or three more inches of rain expected today. 

From Online Etymology Dictionary:
canoe (v.) 
1842, from canoe (n.). Related: Canoedcanoing.
canoeing (n.) 
1870, verbal noun from canoe (v.). Related: Canoeist.
canoe (n.) 
1550s, originally in a West Indian context, from Spanish canoa, a term used by Columbus, from Arawakan (Haiti) canaoua. Extended to rough-made or dugout boats generally. Early variants in English included canocanowcanoa, etc., before spelling settled down c.1600.
paddle (v.3) 
"to move in water by means of paddles," 1670s, from paddle (n.). To paddle one's (own) canoe "do for oneself" is from 1828.

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